Not exactly Crash's best adventure,But a decent one nontheless
The story of the game is that Dr. Neo Cortex the main villian in the Crash games has teamed up with his old partner Dr. Nitrus Brio and together they invented a special helmet called the NV. The NV in a way is sort of like a computer but in helmet form that the user will wear on their heads. After an advertisement on the NVs Cortex and Brio send them allover the world where almost everyone has worn one including Crash's sister Coco and friend Crunch. Being one of the few unaffected its up to Crash and his mask Aku Aku to stop Cortex and Brio. The story is not bad and is told through some hilarious animated cutscenes that tend to mimic a few shows. The graphics for the wii version are nice with colorful environments and good animations for both the gameplay and the cutscenes.
The gameplay for Mind over Mutant is seperated between on foot gameplay and mutant gameplay. When your only controlling Crash which is the on foot gameplay it for the most part feels like the old Crash games where you run around and attack enemies by spinning and jumping on their heads however Crash now has a kick that he can charge up with the use of the of the C button which is on the nunchuck and a punch which is executed by pressing the B button on the wiimote. Players control Crash and the mutants by moving them with the analog stick that is on the wii nunchuck. The B button on the wii mote will execute a punch while the C button on the nunchuck will charge a strong attack for the mutants while shaking the wii mote will execute the mutants special attacks as well as Crash's famous spin attack. The controls are responsive and its pretty simple to move Crash around for the most part.
A big factor for the game is that you can store a mutant and then bring it out if you want to use it which will help along the way especially if your mutant or Crash are losing health by pressing up on the D-pad. To get the mutants you first have to fight them after you deliver enough hits on a mutant it will become dizzy and thats when an indicator will come up showing you to press down on the D-pad to control the mutant. You can store one mutant only but you can carry two mutants tops but eventually youll have to choose one and if there is a mutant you do not want to choose you can simply press down on the D-pad while Crash is on the mutant and he will jump off and abandon it. There is a fairly solid amount of mutants each with their own special abilities one can freeze water and another can slow down time however not all of the mutants are good and useful. There is also more to do after the story is completed as the player will then have options to complete a few secondary missions such as collecting a certain amount of items within a time limit,surviving against the enemies for an amount of time and more.
Mind over Mutant has a solid amount of worlds and you will see them alot because one of the main problems with the game is that there is alot of backtracking and thats when the camera shows its problems when you are going from point A to point B the camera is fine for the most part but when you have to backtrack and get from point B back to point A thats when the problems occur because the camera will not shift to the behind the back view and it will be difficult to see what obstacles are in front of you. Enemies while they are funny and easy to beat will get repetitive particulary in a specific world and the bactracking will add to the repetitiveness of the game.
Overall Mind over Mutant is not a bad game. It's a decent one that provides a good amount of things to do. The cutscenes are hilarious and the gameplay overall is fun. However it's the repetitive backtracking and the bad camera when you are going backwards that almost ruin the experience couple that with the common enemies repeating the same lines of dialogue everytime you encounter will bother someone. However if you are willing to look past these flaws Crash:Mind over Mutant isnt really that bad.
Story is told through funny cutscenes
A good amount of objectives to do within the story
A good variety of mutants
Switching between Crash and a mutant is simple and both sets of gameplay are enjoyable
Repetitive enemies that will repeat the same line of dialogue
Gameplay will get repetitive
Bad amount of backtracking
Camera is in a bad position when going through a level backwards and cant be changed.
Final Score