radical cant make good platfromers
Ah does everyone remember our good old ps1 mascot? Crash Bandicoot? Anyone remember when it was good? Anyone here the old saying some things never change and some things do? This game has changed so much.
Storyline-I barely paid attention to the storyline cause of how horrible the game was. So I can't say anything good about the storyline. I think it has something to do with beating Dr. Neo Cortex again.
gameplay-Its changed so much since the first 3 and this isn't an exception. Crash Bandicoot never backtracked unless you were looking for the Gems/Relics. They switched that up so much now its just horrible. You don't even get the Aku-Aku masks anymore relics have left, trophies have left, gems have left. Its just a horrible game altogether.
Conclusion-Crash Bandicoot was awesome when Naughty Dog had the rights to our favorite ps1 mascot. Since then so much has changed and now this game just says it all. Crash is dying, and its starting to end the great career he once had that most people loved. Its ending now and they need to fix it soon.