MKDD ripoff, you say? WALNUT BUTTER! It's WAY different!
Best gameplay EVER! Platforming AND racing... PLUS, turrent-shootin'! With Crash's new ability, the shimmy, i'll call it, isn't really needed, though, hanging onto leages, is. Also, while lookin' around for tracks and missons, you'll sometimes come across DIE-O-RAMAs. More on that later.
GREAT! Very cartoony, and realistic. Crash's limbs, for example, are one of the realistic things that make it different from most Crash Bandicoot games. Yes, this noteting is very short.
You may want to lissen for yourself.
Die-o-ramas are one thing that put this thing together. Some are childish, some are not funny, while most are serious. The smell of money, is the most serious, and the most funny. In said die-o-rama, Crash trys to tip a cow, and fails. while Crash was weak, the cow grabed Crash with it's tail, and farted in Crash's face.
This should not be rated E10+. It should be rated T. That all, fool. That all.