This fun racing game will get you hooked for hours and hours. You know the classic method of cartoony racing games... You get missiles and shields and speeds and so much other stuff like potion mines and TNT boxes to race your way to victory. This game has lots of unlockable characters but they are almost the same. Doctor N is the same with Crash and the evil and good characters are so same, except for the faces. You can't have much RPG racing going on here, but it is still fun! In story mode, you drive around and go into these little magic things that teleport you to arena where you race. The story mode doesn't consist of much sounds, just sometimes characters yelling whoohooo or Yaaaaa!!!!! (when you sound mad) so sound goes down. Gameplay is very fun and the difficult boss levels just makes it even better! You basically race around eating power ups that helps you and evading other traps. This is very addicting and with so much secret passages to take and so much items to use, this game can't get worser. Good Things: Good and creative maps, Awesome and Amazing multiplayer, good AI, fun story mode, lots of secret passages and hidden characters, good boss fights, weird Story mode where you can drive around and just do nothing (is this bad or good?)
Bad things: Graphics tend to kinda be bad when you are racing, not memorable boss fights, easy to win races, absolutely no voices, weird Story mode where you can drive around and just do nothing (is this bad or good?)
Well I gtg now, but there are sooooo much stuff that you can do! If you have a PS1 and you want to throw it out, just buy this game off the internet and play it! It just might change your mind about PS1.
Thank You for reading my review and fell free to contact me if you have any questions.
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