Best Crash game ever?Propably not, but very close.

User Rating: 9.6 | Crash Twinsanity (Classics) XBOX
Crash Bandicoot is a popular and famous name, when it comes to platformer franchises.One thing that made it different than any other platformer was the fact that it was just hilarious.There was never a "serious" Crash Bandicoot game, and that's a good thing, because games are for fun and nothing more.This Crash game is the funniest of them all, by forgetting the old formula and briging up it's own world were everything is comical.

The actual gameplay differs greatly from past Crash games ( as mentioned above ).Instead of warping back and forth to levels with a lab, you now progress along with the story.For example, an event happens, you play the level, the event ends, yet another one which is linked with the previous one shows up, etc.Mind that you can return to past levels, just by moving your character to that event / level and everything will happen as it didn't happened before ( i.e. you are partners with Cortex on the icy isle, but if you return to your isle and play the second level, Cortex would be against you, because that time you were still enemies ).The only reason to return to a previous level is to get the diamonds you missed.Each diamond contains a different subject ( i.e. blue gems unlock always the bosses images, while red ones unlock always a comic with the specific part of the story where the level plays.There are total 6 gems to be found:blue, grey, purple, green, red and yellow and they're all pretty hard to find.Obtaining all of them presents you a secret...

You can play as 3 characters:Crash, Cortex and Nina.Everyone has a different bio, yet all are menaced by two parrots from outer space ( ? ).Those parrots are up to destroy their iland and "suck the goodness out of this dimension".With a little help from sideways characters like Aku, the result is Crash teming up with his enemy, Cortex and a wild chase between your dimension and the 10th one.

From graphics, there's a very good job done, especially on the facial expressions.Completed with shiny enviroments and great animations, the graphics are sure one of the highlights of this game.

From sound, there's also a very good jobe done.The voice-overs are brilliant and the music is strange, yet funny.We don't hear "Taki-taki-daataki-taki.....para-para-pam-papara-parapaaaam" every day.

In conclusion, Crah twinsanity is a good game for numerous reasons:

1)Nice gameplay

2)Great sound

...........and many more.Yes, the value might not impress you much, but the rest is another fun, dum and happy ol' Crash game.Definently worth a rent.