Surprisingly fun and well presented!
You play as 1 of 3 characters, Nina, Cortex, and of course, Crash (who dominates most of the game). The gameplay is like a classic Crash game, if you had a bit more room to run about the place. You no longer have warp rooms, as you simply progress through the game, but it is tough to go back to old levels, I still can't get back to the first one. The graphics are nice, with many colours and great scenery to keep the eye intrested. The story is a tad predictable, though some great jokes break up the scenes and you'll actually want to watch them. The team elements of the game are fun, you'll go from rolling around in a ball as Cortex and Crash fight, you'll snowboard using Cortex, and many other cool bits which make this game unique.
Overall, Crash is a simple game for anyone, Crash fan or not.