An arcade classic on the PS2
Even if you never played this game on the Dreamcast or in the Arcade, there is no excuse for you not to pick it up in the bargain bin for a couple of bucks.
Over all it can be an enjoyable experience, but unfortunately both the game and the sound track can become repetitive after a short while.
(How many friggin times do I have to listen to The Offspring?!)
The game's 'announcer's' raspy voice can be very irritating at times to the point you want to mute your TV.
It can be pretty fun to see if you can brake your high-score, and it's cool to do crazy tricks to gain extra tips from your passengers.
One of my favorite things to do is before getting to the passenger's location, do a power-slide at full speed into the the green target and slam into a wall getting your taxi 'stuck' and rake it up. Just don't forget to let off the gas to let the passenger to allow them to get out.