One of the best arcade games ever!

User Rating: 9 | Crazy Taxi ARC
It all boils down to this, if you see Crazy Taxi in an arcade, PLAY IT! It's awesome and so is the Dream Cast version. I used to spend A LOT OF MONEY using up quarters with friends trying to beat each others scores. It's a very simple plot in this game, Drive people around in a Taxi, get points and try to get a high score with a Taxi Driver of your choosing (up to 4 drivers, I remember one of the drivers was named Gus... lol can't remember the other names). The graphics are great, especially for a 1999 arcade game, sound is great, the music is good, and the voice acting is funny and entertaining. This game is really fun and if you are lucky enough to find it in an arcade, PLAY IT. If you enjoy playing arcade games, Make sure you have a ton of quarters and go play this game, trust me you will love it!