Meh, this game is rated 'so so'

User Rating: 5.6 | Crazy Taxi PC
This game is good for a while, but as with many other games, it lacks replay value. You can play this game a few times, but it does wear thin after a while, considerign you're doing the same thing over and over. An interesting twist to the game would be The Simpsons Road Rage for PS2, but that also becomes boring after a while, but I must admit, the idea that you're making progress on that game makes you more persistant in playing the game.

As far as I can remember this game was particularly popular, although I can't really see why now I've played it.

I end with the closing statement that this game has no replay value, and you don't really feel like you're making any progress by doing the same thing over and over again. Even a leaderboard isn't enough to keep us going. Come on Activision! You used to be cool in the day and age of the SNES!