this is an extremely addicting game, and its one of the best dreamcast games.
this game has 2 different playing fields. the original arcade field, and the new dreamcast field. they are both pretty good. it is nice to have them both because it helps keep a variety to the game.the objective is to pick up people on the side of the street, and essentialy take them from point a to point b as fast as possible.
the graphics are fantastic for the time. theres no fog, so you can easily see everything(a constant problem in playstation and n64 games) and the enviroments are realistic. there are lots of different places to take the people, so that your not just going to the same 5 points. some of these places include pizza hut, kentucky fried chicken, and a record store.
the sound effects are great. the sounds of the cars engine are loud when you rev up, and smashing into cars gives a realistic crashing noise. its also funny listening to your clients yell at you if you are going to slow, or to fast.
the music is pretty good for the first couple of hours, but gets old somewhat quickly. it includes music from the offspring and bad religion.m there are about 6 songs in total, so they begin to grow old after a while.
the controls are nice and fluent, and i like how you have to press different buttons to switch into reverse and foward. it gives it a more realistic feel using one trigger to speed up and one to brake other than using the brake and reverse as the same trigger.
altogether this is a great game. after 9 years i can still just pick up this game and play it, and not get bored. this game is a must own for dreamcast owners.