So,high roller seems to be Ok.- But just a few problems. and other hidden stuff,that is quite un-usual.
But When You Actually Play It,it was good.
It Contains Three Maps:
oldest to newest
WestCoast[Crazy taxi 1]
small apple[Crazy Taxi2]
Glitter Oasis[Crazy taxi HIGH ROLLER]
So there.
The Last 2 maps,SA and WC Seemed to be a success.
But Glitter OASIS Didn't turn out really good.
on GO,At The Edges of the bright street,it has a really dark canyon,it has lakes,and it may be confusing as it is very dark.
If you fall down the canyon,it will take at least 1 min to go back up.
If you are the speed type person and can't control cars really good,use Angel.
and by the way,this game has a CX Arcade Type Which Features Minigames there are 3 levels.=1[Easy And Short MiniGames] Reward:Maps Of Track.
=2[Normal Difficulty Speed Taking And Slow Mix] Reward:other cabs,etcbike
=3 [ Across The map[start to end] in 3 minutes!Reward:Another Day Mode.
Ok so rent it first.Don't auto buy it,you may regret.