Waste of money to be honest
User Rating: 1.8 | Crime Life: Gang Wars PS2
Were to start...the begining. The game is basically about you, a wannabe gangster, who joins a gang in the hope you one day will make the city yours. Nice start, decent cinematics and ideas, graphics in game can definately can be improved on. Gameplay is, how do I put it, awful. Get's too repetitive, doing the same over and over again. You also have the choice of spray painting on random walls, but that becomes old after the first time you do it. Granted the game's hard, with a game which has fighting for its highlight, its incredibly difficult to hurt your opponent, long long time. Taking over gang territory is limited, so you won't get a lot of freedom. The lack of an accessable save option forces you to play for hours on end just to to the next save. You'll get bored after 20 minutes, a must DO NOT GET.