It should have been a lot better then this, but, it wasnt.
Editors Note: Ill be honest here. I played the game for 20 minutes. Thats all i could stand of it. I came into the game expecting something great, GTAish, and fun, but I was let down hard. Read on.
Gameplay: The gameplay of Crime Life is absolutely horrid. The different things you need to do in the game are all very similar, making the game very boring. The controls themself are just terrible. The camera controls move too quick, disorienting you as you move around. The fighting controls are overly simplified, and useless, along with most of the things you can do in fights.
Story: You play Tre, a new member of the Outlawz street gang. You have to fight rival gang members and commit crimes to raise through the ranks of the gang.
Graphics and Sound: The sound isnt the worst, but its used sparringly, and it hurts the game. As for the graphics, there livable, but could be much better and smoother.
Replayability: No, just no.
Final Recommendation: If, IF, you can get past all the problems, maybe it'd be fun, but in the end, its just not worth it. Sorry folks, crappy review, but its a crappy game, what can ya do?