I really didn't believe that the PSP library will have another gem for me but this game is a true hidden gem - it's one of the best jRPGs I have played and I have tried playing a lot of them.
The title is generic, and when I loaded the game up a generic intro movie started playing, you know with scenes changing every 2 seconds and random characters fighting and random things happening. At one point I almost started laughing when one male character ran to another and they started fist fighting and what looked like pulling each other by their long heir.
But when the game started I immediately noticed how wonderful the graphics and visual style were - think Chrono Trigger in HD. Beatiful cosy hand painted world, can't get better than that.
Further I was pleasantly surprised that the characters were interesting and dialogues although somewhat simplistic were quality and I like the humor.
But all that still didn't ensure me as I was yet to see the battle system - the element that has driven me off a lot of jRPGs. But as soon as the first battle started I knew it was gona be good - it is simple, something like Chrono Trigger's again. Most battles are short and sweet.
I won't keep writing about other elements of this game because I'm lazy and it's pointless anyway and just say that this is as solid a jRPG as you can get on the PSP, and giving this wonderful game a 5/10 is a crime.