Crimson Skies hooked me from the beginning and did not let go. Maybe I am a sucker for arcade flight sims. I mean, I was there day one when X-Wing released. I was there when Tie Fighter came out for my 486 machine. I played the snot out of Starfox. I stuck my nose up at Wing Commander. This game can be held up close to these games. The game felt a lot like Indiana Jones in the sky. It's not like it had a story I cared about but the Indy vibe was there. The score was great! the voice acting was decent, the story was good enough to keep you going. Smooth gameplay, great sound, long single player campaign, fun multiplayer, great xbox visuals!! You can pick up super cheap used and it's 360 compat so I say go for it!
Other Helpful Reviews for Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge
I had a blast playing Crimson Skies: high road to revenge. Never before has a game mixed 2 genres so skillfully without there being alot of problems. Even the ace combat games had a few problems. Crimson Skies: high road... Read Full Review
I got this game around christmas when it came out. I did play it on xbox live sometime after, but I didn't like it online. The single player was more fun for me, even though missions were linear. The gameplay is mos... Read Full Review