High Flying Adventure
User Rating: 9.3 | Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge XBOX
Usually any game using an airplane bores me at first sight. Luckily, this was not the case for Crimson Skies. Crimon Skies: High Road to Revenge uses a pretty easy controll scheme to immerse you into the games complexity. It has a system for you, so that you can get upgrades (planes) as you progress through the game. The single player is very solid overall and deserves many kudos. The multiplayer is where I thought the game really shined though. It throughs you into a massive battles with other people and the intensity doesnt hold up for a second. As soon as you shoot down one plane, there is another one hot on your tail. The graphics and sound were also very helpful to the games artistic, yet real life feel. Overall I was very pleased Crimson Skies and know you will be also. So buy it.