User Rating: 9.2 | Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge XBOX
Boy howdy. What a game. My expectations for Crimson Skies went vertical (no pun intenteded) after Microsoft announced that it would have Xbox Live capabilites, and now that I have the game, I'm finally dogfighting online with my console. The alternate 1930's setting is extremely intersting an immersive, especially in the single-player campaign when you're finally able to play in Chicago, recreated as an even more bustling city than its real-life counterpart. The real joy of the game comes from its fantastic use of Xbox Live. 16 player dogfights and capture the flag games over shimmering water, through beautifully detailed terrain, and next to huge lordly skyscrapers are just some of the fantastic scenarios you'll find yourself in. The most surprising part is that it's absolutely without lag. Wolfenstein, Ghost Recon, Unreal Championship, and many other Xbox Live titles are plagued with lag, but this beaut of a game suffers zero lag. Quite impressive. The single-player game is also a surprise. It's not just thrown in like in such games as MechAssault; this game has a true, complete, solid, and varied single-player campaign that spans 4 huge worlds. It's not as fantastic to the point where I would recommend this game if you're getting this solely for single-player, but it's much better than most will probably expect. Buy it alone for the Xbox Live support. This is one of the greatest games this quarter.