A great game that is a must play.
User Rating: 9 | Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge XBOX
This is one of those games that you don't hear about being great. This is one of those games that IS GREAT and should be talked about. This game is one of the best flying games on Xbox. No doubt about it. Great gameplay with fairly easy controls once you get used to them. It has a old-fashioned feel to it. It has a so-so story...nothing to go crazy about, but the gameplay definately makes up for that. The graphics aren't superb but definately good. The sound is just the background music nobody really notices and the sound effects from the planes. The sound of the planes sounds so realistic though. I would say this game is a definate rent for single player but I would buy it if you plan on going online with it. I conclude this game saying it ROCKS!