Although i havnt beat the entire thing, i still know enogh about it to rate it, exept, note im pretty bad at rating a game for "sound", The graphics were pretty good, just as they should be, and the gameplay is different to me, i can tell u that, but its good. Yet it had one of those games that have one part that just too challenching. I may be bad at rating games because of how hard and easy they are. I got stuck on the 3 challengs from that indian guy. Finnaly , the price is really quite usual...i dont know about a single game thats not 50 bucks. But with the few glitchs the grachics and the gameplay are enough to satisy me a pretty **** amout.
Other Helpful Reviews for Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge
I had a blast playing Crimson Skies: high road to revenge. Never before has a game mixed 2 genres so skillfully without there being alot of problems. Even the ace combat games had a few problems. Crimson Skies: high road... Read Full Review
I got this game around christmas when it came out. I did play it on xbox live sometime after, but I didn't like it online. The single player was more fun for me, even though missions were linear. The gameplay is mos... Read Full Review