First off, let me say that I LOVE this game. This is one of those games that toally suck you into the world in which they create and make you feel like your really amongst it. You are an air pirate in the barnstorming era of aeroplanes. Out of your base of operations (a giant zepplin which is like giant floating hanger)you fight for the people and plunder for yourselves. If there is a game style to compare it to, it would be Star wars: Rogue Squadron meets Interstate '76). You aquire different aircraft throughout the game and can customise it with bigger, faster engines. Bigger guns, rockets and even change the paintjob. Each mission, whilst all similar in most respects manages to keep you engaged. There is always something different to do, there is always some crazy stunt to perform (hijacking a plane midflight and rescuing a scientist from a moving train come to mind) This keeps each mission interesting. The graphics, while starting to date now, are good. Everything is bright, colourful and recognisable. The planes smoke when hit and catch fire. You can see the pilots getting out of the aircraft to eject, (no fancy ejection seats here!). The environments are various and well renderd. From cities to islands, its all good. The other great thing is that on todays computers the fact that you can run it full detail with no chance of slowdown makes the experience even better. The controls are quite intuitive, yet take time to master. Dogfighting around a volcanic island, through caves and under bridges can get quite tricky! I think if there is one thing that really sticks out in this game, its the sound. There is something about it, everything just clicks. The rousing music that changes as your recon mission turns into a full-blown dogfight. The sound effects as bullets ricochet and ping of your fuselage. As you can see from this review, I couldn't reccomend this game highly enough. For anyone who like a good adventure, action and a great story, get this game. The fact that its only about $20au just sweetens the deal. There are few games that can just draw you in, simply by its charm. This is one of them.
I had a lot of fun with Crimson Skies. The price is right now... You have to find it on EBay or with a game pack... It's a blast! Some missions are pretty straight forward and easy, while some of them are pretty difficul... Read Full Review
For me this game has been a major cause of "Bleary-eyed at school/work next day but God was it fun!!!" Syndrome. Many people say its too hard, it is certainly hard, but unlike other games you never get the sense the game... Read Full Review