Every once in a while we get fed up with playing these 3GBs games which make your mind sweat. Did you like Diablo? Do you like massmurder? Blood? Are you drunk and your friend’s sleeping over or maybe your girlfriend took too much speed? There is nothing to play. Heads up! Download this tiny game which kills boredom the way minigun kills in mass. No, your insomnia will not be cured, no, you will not stop sweating after taking too much coce and no, hallucinations will not stop after taking some acid, but it shall kill the time till the morning so you can call your guy to get some dodgy green stuff to relax and at last fall asleep. Levels upon levels of bloody massmurder of creatures from every side. You are all alone, but no stress! Perks with each level up and more guns than in first-person shooters and power-ups, buffers and de-buffers spawning from slayed creatures countless times until you can play no more. Well done guys from 10tons!!!
I can hardly believe that someone bothers to write a novel-sized review on such a game.
Crimsonland is a top-down shooter from 10ton and Reflexive Arcade that throws you into the pit with aliens, zombies, spiders, and ghosts; the objective being to blow them to smithereens using an arsenal that includes roc... Read Full Review
Crimsonland, published by 10 tons and produced by Reflexive entertainment, the same folks who brought you Swarm, is an intense, intuitive, actionpacked gorefest with a nostalgic twist and over 25 hours entertainment on ... Read Full Review