Inovative combat and awesome story that can make you shed a tear in the end. "Embrace your dreams!"
Story: Zack Fair is a young 2nd class SOLDIER (elite fighting force) that works for the Shinra Company, and with the help of his mentor Angeal (SOLDIER 1st class), Zack wishes to accomplish his greatest dream: To become a hero. Suddenly the 1st class SOLDIER Genesis is reported missing, and Zack is dispatched with Angeal to learn more about his disappearing but during the attack on Wutai, Angeal goes missing too. Sephiroth, the SOLDIER hero (also 1st class) suspects that Genesis has betrayed Shinra, and so as Angeal, but Zack refuses to believe that. The search for the truth, will lead Zack to many places meeting a lot of friends in the way, and uncovering many dark secrets of the company he serves, but always keeping his honor like Angeal taught him.
To me, a good game must have 3 things:
-Very good story ------------ DONE
-Very good gameplay ----- DONE
-Some Innovation ------------ DONE
I don't seem to ask a lot from a game, but though I've played so many games with this characteristics, I've never shed a tear in a game... until now. And I would never thought that it would be on a PSP... in a small UMD disc! And this game goes even beyond!
Point 1: Challenging.
If you choose Normal difficulty, it comes a game with normal difficulty. If you choose hard... well it comes a game in very hard difficulty.
Point 2: Innovation.
The DMW is something new and unexpected that is cool, now, try to blend it with the game's fighting system... it becomes way cooler.
Point 3: High Quality cutscenes.
During the game, every single HQ cutscenes is just delightful.
Point 4: Characters.
Every character has a distinct personality and you will root for the main character that keeps his spirit always smiling.
Point 5: Plot Twists
If you played Final Fantasy VII, it's not going to be a surprise, but if you don't, you will just be glued to the screen.
Point 6: Side Missions
You will gain some side missions to get new items spells and even summons. Very useful if you choose Hard.
Point 6: Spells and Summons.
Who remembers the Ifrit, Odin and of course, the Chocobo. If you are skilled and lucky, you might summon them and, if you don't, you have also your share of familiar spells to help you.
I could go on but i think you get the point. It's remarkable how SquareEnix keeps impressing us by putting such a great game in such a small disc. What can I say more... oh yeah, if you never played a game of the Final Fantasy Series, play this first, and in the end you will start playing every single game of the series. If you already played one of this pearls from SquareEnix, in the end you will want to play at least the FF VII again.
-The nostalgic feeling.
-It's linear which is a Pro because if the game wasn't linear, it would not get this score...
My Score:
10.0 out of 10.0