Story is good, but combats and missions are over repetitive.
User Rating: 8 | Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII PSP
Like many people here, the main reason for me playing this game is because i wanted to know the story. Good gameplay along the way would certainly help, but I find this game's combat system to be more dependent on pressing the X button then any other game I"ve played. There are loads of magic, but magic are overpowered by mere X tapping which leads most people to only use individual magics once to see the animation. Missions are equally repetitive as it is basically like a dungeon crawler where you have to find a target on the map and destroy it. Also, you have no control whatsoever over special attacks so it feels totally random all the way to the end of the game.
Besides from the bad points listed above, the sound, graphics, story and cinematics were excellent for the psp. I can say that it was worth the time and money invested.