Great story and amazing visuals, its hard not to love Crisis Core.
User Rating: 9.5 | Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII PSP
The game starts with a cinema that told me right off that this game was going to live up to its big brother. In Crisis Core you play as Zack Fair the person Cloud says he is for about 3/4 of the original. This story brings back a few of our favorite characters and goes deep into one of the most beloved story lines in video game history. The story brings you to feel and care for the characters in it creating an emotion and thrilling ride.
The game does have one slight flaw, not that it changed the experience that much for me but the gameplay was a tad lacking. When you have such a great, compelling, and beautiful game to keep you going the combat hardly bothered, it even became fun towards the end of the game.
Great game, my favorite for the psp, i would recommend it to all final fantasy fans and for anyone else willing to in joy something as great as this.