FFVII is still alive and kicking!!

User Rating: 10 | Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII PSP
I first saw FFVII when i was 6 and my brother was playing it. I have never personally beaten FFVII. I want to sometime though. This game is definitely in that small category of amazing games. Advent Children was amazing, and while Dirge of Cerberus had it's faults, it told an interesting story. Crisis Core does both. The story is complex, intriguing, and it sucks you in like a black hole.

First is graphics. While the graphics are not life-like, they get as close as the can on the PSP. The movies look like they came straight out of Advent Children, and may even be better. The graphics are also the same in either the fight sequences or the free roaming part of the game.

The controls are also easy to use and makes fighting fun. Square tried a different tactic in this game. Instead of using turn-based strategy like in all of the other FF games, this game uses the same attacks as in most RPG's. Transitions from melee to materia or items is easy and quick and does not subtract from the game. While story gameplay is a little on the easy side at some points, the missions more than make up for the difficulty that some games may be looking for.

The story is really the shining jewel of this game though. This game tells the story of what happened before FFVII actually started. It answered many questions that brought up in FFVII, like why Sephiroth went crazy, or how Zack died, or why Cloud was like he was in the game. While I had fun hacking monsters to bits, the story was what really sucked me in.

This game is amazing. It is easy to pause and put away while you go to work and then come back to. There is lots to do if you want to get to level 99. While there are some parts that are only left to chance, like leveling up or limit breaks, they are small things that aren't that hard to deal with. After beating this game, I strongly believe that this series should be made into a movie. There is just so much.

PSP Game of the Year, by far!!