Best Final Fantasy game since FFX!!!
User Rating: 10 | Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII PSP
I have to admit, ever since Squaresoft became Square Enix, their games have fallen quite a bit. I've loved Squaresoft since I was little and Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy X are my 2 favorite Final Fantasy's of all time. I thought that FFX-2 was okay, but kind of cheesy, and they really lost it when they tried making FF an online experience with FFXI... Since then, I have been pretty let down by almost all of their games. FFXII was very immersive and had great graphics and mechanics, but the storyline absolutely sucked, so I kind of felt like I was playing for no reason... 7 and 10 were full of raw emotion and had great storylines (and blitzball totally rocks my socks, lol). So, for a while, I thought that Square Enix had lost it... But then they released Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates, which isn't your typical FF experience, but was a great game with great multiplayer and customization. And now they have released Crisis Core. Advent Children was a great sequel to the game (Favorite Movie of all time), and I bought a PSP specifically so I could play Crisis Core, $250 out of my wallet for the whole package, and man was it worth it. It does still lack those turn based battles that I oh so loved, but the graphics are great, the battle system is better than that of FFXII, and the voice acting and storyline are phenomenal. And most importantly, it keeps the feeling of the original FFVII and has all the same voice actors that are in Advent Children. I just absolutely love this game and I recommend it to any Role-Playing fan out there. You won't be disappointed!
Let's hope FFXIII turns out okay!