so far this has been my fav ff game, because its quite long for the psp and it's battle type :P

User Rating: 10 | Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII PSP
If you have a psp you should definetely buy this game, its exciting makes you keep going and going on the story line and an excellent supply of non-story missions (300 of them) 2 modes, normal and hard...until you've played the game a few times (1-2) i would pick normal, because hard...really is hard and im a veteran player of the ff series...if you were to start a game on hard...well you just gotta find out the rest on the story. the real challenge on this game is getting everything done, there is quite alot of magicks and actions in this game so if you ARE going for eevrything your looking at 200 hours+ of gametime, a new feature in this game is the combat and DMW, i wont spoil much else other than, almost all of the character's from ff7:advent children are in this game, it starts in SOLDIER with the main character Zack trying to become a hero

if you want anymore info on this gamespot, thats all i'll say
