this is definitely my favorite all time final fantasy, especially with the interaction it has in the package. it has an extremely confusing and back-and-forth story line but in the end it all ties up, and if you played the actual final fantasy VII then this game gives several answers to some of your questions. the three things i LOVED about this game was the gameplay, soundtracks/storyline, and the customizing. pretty much with the gameplay, instead of being teleported anonymously to another dimension for a battle like some turn-based/time-based games you got trapped inside a circle wherever you were standing and fight in that. then when you start fighting you can choose from a miniature-menu at the bottom of the screen which included attack, move/buff, move/buff, move/buff, move/buff, item. the move/buff thing means it could have black magic, white magic, an attack move (jump, assault twister, etc.), or a buff (atk up, vit up, ect.). the gameplay is definitely interactive and you can run around. secondly i liked the soundtracks which was definitely head banging music and when you fight sephiroth or something it was the heart-pounding classic music which scares the **** out of you and at the same time you love it. the storyline i'm not gonna say ANYTHING about, you'll have to get the game yourselves for that, but it was a VERY good storyline and a good connection to Final Fantasy VII. and lastly, the customizing was out of this world. the only thing you couldn't do with it was change your weapon. which i didn't like at all. anyways you could do stuff like materia (magic) fusing, which let you fuse stuff together like firaga and assault twister which made firaga blade (my personal favorite move) or you could fuse dispel and thundaga which makes dark thundaga, my other favorite. so you got the idea. and on the equipment section, you could have your battle menu thing, and then you could equip stuff like titanium bangle (lots of life!), or weapon items (stuff that added lightning affects to your attack, poison affects, etc.) and a whole lot of other **** anyways this game is AWESOME. and once you beat it, you can play it again with the same character you had (same lvl and equipment/items) and play the game all over again. i personaly have beaten the game 23 times on normal and 2 on hard. hard is very hard. i died in one hit by a mini-boss at the very beginning. well anyways the game is a lot of fun and if you have a PSP it's a MUST.
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I recently beat the Japanese version of Crisis Core back in December with the help of translations and so forth, and up till now, I still am playing it, and I have no plans to purchase the English version. But don't get... Read Full Review
This is Definitely one of The Best PSP Games of all Times i am not a fan of Final Fantasy Games but this one just blew Me Up with Great Story Great Sound and Graphics this is Just almost Perfect Game for a PSP Console !... Read Full Review