This game is Freakin Awesome.
I almost forced myself to play Final Fantasy XII and I hated every minute of it.
That game is just so completely horrible. I truly despise it.
Anyway This game's graphics are so awesome. This could easily be a PS3 game. I will not buy a PS3 until they make a truly great Final Fantasy for it or some other game that is a must have game. I just don't see any must have games for the PS3 yet. Until then I will save my money.
Back to Crisis Core it is so awesome to see a new game made with the Final Fantasy VII world that does not suck. I mean Dirge.... come on get real.
If as the rumor suggests they are doing a remake of Final Fantasy VII for the PS3 the yes I will have to get one. I hope they redo Final Fantasy VIII also.
I just wish that Crisis Core would let you do more with your characters.
The Materia system is so awesome. I like it better than anything that came before or after it. It is just my kind of battle system.
Anyway that is my two cents worth. Cheers.