A good game with addictive fighting and a gripping story line...

User Rating: 9.5 | Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII PSP
Finally some more light shed on the well known final fantasy 7 story. Ive always been a fan of final fantasy. Great stories and fun lengthy game play. When i got this game i mainly was hoping to clear up a lot of the story in final fantasy 7. I was kinda skeptical weather this would be a good game or not. I was actually surprised that it was a really fun game. It got a little boring when i decided to do every single one of the hundreds of side missions, but those are optional and u get good stuff for doing them. Another one of the good things about this game is its for the psp so u can take it with u if u have to go on a trip or to school or were ever u want. Its a pretty addictive game with a really good story. id say even if your not a long time fan of the game this game has a good fighting system and will keep you playing for many hours.