This is one of the best looking,soundingand all around best games in a long time! Must buy for any PSP owner!
I'm starting with this because it is the place were the game shines most. If you don't already know you play as Zack Fair who you may remember from his quick cameo in the orginal Final Fantasy 7or his quick appearence near the end of Final Fantasy: Advent Children. The game takes palce seven years before the orginal Final Fantasy 7 and basicly covers teh events that lead into FF7. You well definitly feel moved at certain parts and really start to care for the charatcers, you will also meat many of the characters from hte original which put a smile on your pace if you've played it but it is not nesccerary to have played the orginal to play this game and you will still enjoy the story.
This is another great part of the game with alot of the msic sounding (not sure if it is) fully orchestrated you'll regognize various tunes from the orginal and the music always suit the mood of the scene with soft piano pieces when talking to close freind or a crazy electric guitar song in an intense bossfight.The voice actuing is also spectactular with all the performances sounding real and believeable and all of the voice actors seem to fit thier parts.
I really enjoyed this gameplay in Crisis Core. Unlike the orginal FF7 the battles are not turn based but are still random, you may be walking along a field when all of a sudden a computerized voice well say "Activating combat mode" and you'll be thrown into a real time battle. You'll always have the attack comand but all other commands are based are what materia you equipt. You may eqiupt some magic or take on out to an HP up materia or give your self the steal ability to take keys from monsters. Aside from the main storyline there are also TONS of extra missions that you can acces from any save point in the game and each mission you complete gives you special rewards. My one quarrel wit the battle system is that sometimes all your hve to do is resort to button mashing but those occasions are few and far between.
The day I got this game I played it nonstop only taking a break for dinner, it is that addictive, theres always something to do and even after you beat it's still fun to try and accomplish all the missions as they acttually feel like they have a purpose.