Crisis Core is one of those games which simply makes you say "Holy Crap It Is An Awsome Game!!!"
First of all it looks brilliant. Stunning graphics which the PSP handels well. Unlike God Of War Chains Of Olympus which had your battery life sliced in half Crisis Core delivers it all without a set back.
Your favourite charactors are back now as well. However this FF7 game features a brand new hero. Zach. The kid who is still a rookie when he is sent out to investigate one of the companies biggest problems. Without giving much away, you'll find yourself fighting horeds of clones, mutated beasts and and an unknown creature which carries the face of your mentor.
My only problem is that you can button mash your way to an easy win. But after you hit the final missions you'll need a stradegy. Expestially if you arn't on a very high level and the boss is extremely powerful (which happened to me unfortuantly).
If you have a PSP buy this game. If you don't own a PSP buy one and then get Crisis Core. And if you hate Final Fantasy this game will change your mind. It is just and Awsome game. Awsome!!!