Hands down, this is one of the best game I've ever played

User Rating: 10 | Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII PSP
When I first played the game, I borrowed it from my friend who had stopped playing halfway through. When I got home, I was instantly greeted with the best graphics I have ever seen on such a small device. Which dumped me straight into an unexpected game-play mode different from all other FF's that I had played.

GRAPHICS--At first, I felt overwhelmed, but I found it easy to adjust to the controls. Throughout the game, I repeatedly found myself pausing just to take in the astonishing visual effects. "Jesus Christ!" became a very common phrase with me. The graphics are astounding, and they made the immersion factor that much more effective.

MUSIC--The music was clear and well balanced with just the right genres and just the right times. I very quickly found myself trying to obtain the OST for the game (which by the way, has the tracks in chronological order). The music was moving, and effectively placed to draw out your deepest emotions.

PLOT--When I played this game, I actually hadn't played the original FF-VII, or seen Advent Children, so I had no idea of the plot, which actually kept me looking at the game by itself instead of as a series. The plot is extremely well thought out, and at points, took me completely by surprise.

OVERALL--I found this game to be extremely pleasing aesthetically and emotionally. When the game finally ended, It felt completed. I have become addicted to it and have beaten it probably more times than I really needed to. Still, I find myself coming back for more. This game is addictive, fun, beautiful, immersible, and hands down--one hell of a game!