User Rating: 9.5 | Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII PSP
I really enjoyed the game, not to hard but not too easy. got to level 52 near the end, and didn't have to much trouble with the boss. Already on my second playthought to finish all the Missions that i missed (some were WAY to hard even at level 52) so really good for replay value if you only went thought like i did to complete the game and try again to get all the extras.

Voice acting is top notch, graphics are to die for, music is really good, not annoying or repeditive in a bad way. Nice variety of badguys, so not the same one every few feet. Bosses can be challenging, but with enough pashents ull get though them. Some nice side quests other then the missions (like finding items to build aerith a flower wagon). I think it's all the original voice acting from the Advent Children movie, but not sure. Controls are easy to master, i didn't even read the manual and i knew what to do with the inventory on the battle screen.

I also have Dirge of Cerberus, Advent Children and the original psx version of Final Fantasy VII, so it totally completes the saga that i love (still have to get Before Crisis, but hopefully it comes to psp instead of having to get a cellphone :D) So over all i love it to death, and clears up ALOT of back story.

I recommend it to action or RPG gamers(which i am!