This is how Square should make a Final Fantasy game.

User Rating: 10 | Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII PSP
If your a rpg fan who hates the turn base style(Like me) but love a good story you need to buy this game.
Gameplay-9.5/10-After several years of going to click attack and magic, Square took a chance and chaged the fighting mechanics. And for the good. This time your when ever you enter combat instead of staainding still you accually run around and slice monster and use spells and items. Gameplay is very easy and basic and feels like a beat em up. Also throughout the battle something called a DNW will appear. It is like a slot machine that shows charctors you meet throughout the game. Next to face wil be a number if 2 digits are the same a skill will level up. But if you get three sevens you get a level up for your charctor.
Story-10/10-The story for this game is amazing. Without giving too much away the game is about a guy named Zack Fair. He is a awesome charctor. He is caring,nice,funny,and strong. He is part of a squad of people called SOLIDER they are part of the Shria company. His best friend and mentor Angeal are sent out on a mission to end the war with a place called wutai. But at the end of the mission Angeal is gone missing and is considered a enemy and is need to be destroyed. If you played Final Fantasy 7 you will see some old friends and chractors like Sephrioth,Cloud,Tseng,Reno,etc. Even though the story dosen't sound interesting it is amazing. Im not giving you the full set.
Graphics-10/10-The graphics look at times like they could be on a PS3 they are so good. In tthe begging your be running down a train with bullents hitting you. To seeing a vilage bruned down to your own eyes.Its insane how Square fit this on the tiny Psp.
Controls-10/10-No real promble with the controls at all.
This a game I highly recommed. If your in to a good story that is about 10 to 20 hours long then buy this game.