The game is amazing & a bit long for psp. Has more than 50 missions which are a bit difficult.

User Rating: 9 | Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII PSP
No matter what words I place here, truly devoted Final Fantasy VII fans will undoubtedly play Crisis Core, the prequel to the original RPG classic. The old PSone title not only heralded the franchise's transition from 2D sprites to 3D, but it has since garnered one of the most passionate followings of any RPG to date. So now that Crisis Core is due to arrive in stores next week, loyal fans may be pondering whether their inevitable purchase will be ultimately fruitful.

I'm pleased to say that Crisis Core is a great game and, barring a few minor issues here and there, will not disappoint.

So if you were planning on picking up a copy regardless of what I say, rest assured that you'll have a colossal amount of fun. But we have quite a bit of material to cover, so let's start with the basics. While the original Final Fantasy VII followed Cloud and company as they attempted to stop Sephiroth from undoing the very fabric of the world, Crisis Core puts a much different spin on the canon. For one, you'll only be playing as Zack Fair, Cloud's friend who only had fleeting appearances in the original game.

Perhaps more surprising (and admittedly for me, more enjoyable) is the fact that Crisis Core is far more subdued and plays out on a smaller scale than its predecessor. Unlike the grand majority of modern RPGs out there, Crisis Core isn't about saving the world or stopping the cataclysmic destruction of the universe. Rather, Crisis Core focuses quite intimately on Zack and his interactions with three principle characters: Angeal, Genesis and Sephiroth. While other characters come into play, including a few familiar faces, this small collection of SOLDIER operatives hold the majority of the spotlight.

Before I discuss the specifics of the game, let me take a moment to explain some of the more general points. Unlike the original, Crisis Core is an action RPG where battles take place in real-time. Your time is also spent traversing 3D environments with Shinra Headquarters acting as your central hub. On the story side of things, the game begins with Zack and his mentor, Angeal, being sent on a mission to subdue hostile forces in Wutai and investigate the disappearance of fellow SOLDIER Genesis. Things get much more complicated as you go, but let's leave it at that.

Unlike Dirge of Cerberus, a different member of the Final Fantasy VII compilation, Crisis Core feels very much in tune with the original game, not only thematically but physically as well. To clarify, Crisis Core has a similar tone and style to its predecessor, including the game's atmosphere, sense of humor and overall design. But also, a number of the locales in Crisis Core are actual 3D redesigns of the original environments in Final Fantasy VII. Any fan who remembers walking through the lobby of Shinra Headquarters will feel nostalgic when they see it so accurately re-created in Crisis Core.

But of course, most of the game will be spent fighting off a variety of monsters, soldiers and stylish bosses, so Crisis Core's combat engine is very important to the overall experience. Battles are activated at certain points on the map, and enemies will fade into view and fight you right where you stand. During this time, invisible boundaries are temporarily set up around Zack creating a makeshift arena for your confrontation. Once the enemies are dispatched, Zack stays his sword and continues on his way, with little interruption in terms of loading or transitions.

During battle, you can move Zack around with either the d-pad or the analog nub. The X button selects whatever action your cursor is on across the small menu at the bottom of your HUD (the L and R triggers are used to move this cursor back and forth). The square and triangle buttons command Zack to roll and block, respectively, while circle resets your command cursor back to the default Attack action.

This straight-forward system works very well and is reminiscent of Square Enix's other high-profile franchise, Kingdom Hearts. Your menu can be customized in terms of what magic you wish to have access to during battle. Equipping materia will enable certain commands to be selected, which I thought worked well for a real-time battle system. It requires a bit of planning and limits the amount of actions Zack can take, meaning players have to think about what to use and what to leave out.

The most unique aspect of Crisis Core's battle mechanics is the DMW, or Digital Mind Wave. This three-reeled slot system is constantly spinning and dictates a number of things: when you perform Limit Breaks, when you summon, when you level up and even when your materia is leveled up. All is decided through various match-ups of numbers and portraits which show up on the reels. This system definitely takes some time to get used to, but I thought it was fantastically implemented and made even the most mundane battles interesting.

The main story and subsequent gameplay is complimented by hundreds of side missions that can be accessed from any save point in the game. Each side mission only takes a few minutes to complete and usually involve Zack exploring a small segment of a larger map, finding treasure and fighting a "boss." As I've mentioned in previous coverage of the game, these side missions not only reward players with great items and materia for use in the main quest, but they're perfectly designed for game sessions on the go, which is (obviously) what the PSP is all about. It's great that there's always a way for you to boot up the game, play for a few minutes and then shut down, while still accomplishing something in the long run.

One thing that I didn't expect when coming into Crisis Core was the usage of cell phones and email. Phones were charmingly used in Final Fantasy VII and they keep popping up in the spin-offs, so they're clearly back in full force here. Throughout the game, Zack will continuously get emails from characters that he meets along the way. As far as I can tell, none of these need to be read to advance the plot forward, but they offer a startling level of immersion into the game's atmosphere. They're not only well written but deliver insight into certain key figures and flesh out the world around you. They make you feel like a member of SOLDIER.

Also, the amount of leveling you can do, both with Zack's stats and his materia via Materia Fusion, is absurdly impressive. Once again, dedicated players have the option of completely dominating in battle by using the system to their advantage. It's always great to see such potential in an RPG.

And how can I not comment on Crisis Core's presentation? As I've made clear in the past, the pre-rendered cutscenes are mind-shatteringly beautiful, looking as if they were pulled straight from Advent Children (some of them are, in fact). In-game cutscenes are also fantastic with detailed character models and finely crafted facial expressions again reminiscent of the style we've seen in Kingdom Hearts -- but more refined. Square Enix has yet again reaffirmed its position as a leading studio in computer-generated cinematics.

However, Crisis Core isn't devoid of problems. The camera can often be very frustrating when trying to explore confined areas. It can easily get stuck on walls and even when you're in an open space it'll slam up against invisible borders. After a while I managed to compensate for this issue and learned to work around it, but the camera is definitely stubborn.

As thankful as I am for the abundance of side missions, they can get extremely repetitive. If you're strongly motivated to collect materia, this repetition fades slightly because the reward will be higher for you, but gamers just interested in exploring and hoping for diversified battles will be disappointed. A good number of the missions even take place on the same map and just follow slightly different courses, and that can be tiring. Furthermore, a lot of the game's environments feel sparse or empty, which can be oddly striking when coupled with such detailed characters

Also problematic is battle activation. As I noted above, battles begin when Zack moves into certain areas or hot spots, which is just fine when you're moving in a continuous direction. Unfortunately, you'll often glance to the side and see a treasure chest right after battle. Running just a few steps over and then coming back will often re-activate a nearby battle, which is aggravating if you're in a hurry.

During Crisis Core, there are also a number of segments that require Zack to perform certain tasks or mini-games. While these mix up the game's formula nicely, some of them are almost broken. I won't go into too detailed an explanation, but let's just say that the stealth mission Zack must embark upon is one of the poorest uses of "stealth" I've ever seen in a game. It's a shame that such poor segments were included in an otherwise great title, but luckily they don't take too much time to get through in the long run.

My final complaints are less serious but still notable. The load times for entering and exiting cutscenes can be a bit on the long side, but they're within a tolerable range. What I found truly puzzling was the player's inability to skip cut scenes. Even the long ones. You can pause at any time which is helpful if you're interrupted while playing, but there's no way to skip past something. This can be a particular annoyance when you die right after a long series of scenes and are forced to watch them over.

Lastly, I really enjoyed the story in Crisis Core, but some of the character's motivations can be questionable. Everything generally comes together by the end of the game but I often found myself at a loss for why certain characters were doing certain things. This won't bother everyone, but it's notable nonetheless.

Closing Comments
And that's that. Issues aside, Crisis Core is a great PSP game -- no question. It honors Final Fantasy VII's legacy. Even the game's music, while not composed by Nobuo Uematsu, is charming and fits the overall style of the world (though some of Uematsu's pieces do make a return and to absolutely stunning effect). I was sincerely moved by certain portions of the title and I suspect many others will feel the same. I wouldn't dream of spoiling anything for eager players, but I will say that Crisis Core's ending moments are a must see. I'd go so far as to call them brilliant.

The power and emotion of the game is heightened by the raw inevitability of Zack's fate, which is fully explored in the original. I really enjoyed my time with this title, despite the gameplay problems, and I think this is yet another fantastic reason to own a PSP. Enjoy it.