This is not one of the best games on the PSP. This is one of the besy games ever!
User Rating: 10 | Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII PSP
To start of with, nothing I say can do this game any justice, it is just that good. The graphics in a lot of the cut-scenes are top notch, and the in game graphics are just as good. The story is based on the events that took place before the start of Final Fantasy VII and centres around Zack Fair who is the main protagonist in this game, but was only present in flashbacks in Final Fantasy VII. The controls are some what similar to Kingdom Hearts with I guess you could call it button mashing in order to attack, cast magic and use abilities. In order to cast magic and use abilities you have to equip the materia that will allow you to do it. New to the game is the use of the DMW (Digital Mind Wave) which is a set reels that allows you to use different limit breaks, this is also how you can use summons in battle. In order to use limit breaks you have meet the corresponding character and they will automatically be added to the DMW. In order to add summons to the DMW you must collect the materia that goes with that summon. The controls are not that hard to pick up and all though they may seem confusing when you start the game for the first time they eventually become a lot easier. The soundtrack is a great variation on the original Final Fantasy VII soundtrack that just adds to the overall feel of the game. In the end this is a great game and to be honest with you was a bit of a dodgy move by Square-Enix to make a game in which the main protagonist someone who barely appeared in the original game, but a move that really payed dividends in the end and worked really well. I actually found myself becoming more and more emotionally attached to Zack, and when the inevitable finally happened I was nearly in tears. Also worth a mention is the scenes that involve Aerith and Zack as the raw emotion that is in the scenes is really powerful. This is just purely and simply a great game and a must have a game that any fan of the original Final Fantasy VII.