A great title with fun sword play and a strong story, let down however by a sub-par leveling system and small annoyances
Starting off it is obvious that this is an absolutely beautiful game 100% presentation perfection, with cut scenes that are unbelievably mind blowing and in game graphics that rival most PS2 games.
The game takes place seven years prior to the events in FFVII and this time with the main character being Zack, you don't really uncover a huge amount of information on Zack during FFVII and this game really fills in some gaps. A lot of effort has gone into creating a story that grips you and ties into the FFVII world really well. This also fills in some gaps on the origins of Cloud, Sephiroth and the legendary Buster Sword!.
Although I have prise for this game somewhat I'll quickly point out that the combat in this game, however fun lacks challenge and has the most pointless leveling system in any RPG I have ever played. Leveling is based on luck not skill sadly making leveling feel like a pointless venture that'll either happen or not.
Also limit breaks are now out of your control thanks to the utterly pointless DMW system which is a slot machine like event that happens constantly throughout combat taking away some of the fun and excitement from ultimately perfect hand held combat and to be brutal this kills the game thanks to a lack of fluidity, although respect where it is due at least they tried something different however I do not understand why Square decided to use a system that makes you feel somewhat out of control of the situations.
In all honesty the DMW has to be the only weak part of the game, this may just be my taste but watching DMW Limit cut scenes every time you line up 3 of the same character pictures became tedious and almost pushed me to turn the game off a few times due to boredom. Also you do start questioning some of the dialog in these DMW scenes, I guess after the 40th viewing of the same scene you come to see that the dialog was just thrown in there for the sake of it.
However, again this is a generally fun game comprised of 60% combat 30% cut scenes and 10% exploration with enough side missions to keep you hooked for hours (if you can forgive the previously mentioned DMW system) and to top it off a fantastic soundtrack.
As punishing as I have been, I have played this game through for the story which any Final Fantasy VII fan should do. An epic tale if only in the 8-10 hour mark that should be looked for in your local games retailer for the under £20 mark it is a fair purchase.