Ever since I've gotten the Nintendo Switch, I've been on the look-out for really cool, really neat, and really fun Indie Video games! My criteria for reviewing them, is that they need to be really fun, often challenging, have good graphics, music, sound, and controls! While I've always been interested in the indie franchise of "Croc's World", one thing that always managed to elude me about this franchise, was any reason for me to give it a ranking! Prior to this game, I could not manage to beat any of the other games in this franchise to a satisfactory liking! But with this game, that status has finally changed! While the aspects of this game have remained largely unchanged from the others in this franchise, this game finally nails what a good Indie game needs to be! This game is fun, challenging, it has really good graphics, music, sound, and controls that pretty much anyone can learn and handle! This game has sixty stages, spread across two levels for players to beat! While there is a choice between Croc and a Kangaroo, they both handle identically. By himself, Croc is a one hit point wonder. But if you hit a power block, you'll get a helmet which will allow you to take another hit. Hit another power block and Croc will be able to throw 20 rocks at enemies. Hit another power block and he will get 40 magical rocks which will head for enemies no matter where they are on screen! Hit another power block, and Croc will be able to walk safely across fire! Hit another power block, and Croc will get a shield which will give him 9 seconds of invincibility! While this game plays pretty identically to the first "Super Mario Bros." video game, most people (minus Nintendo) probably won't complain about it. Every 15 stages, Croc will come across a boss that he will have to stomp on a bunch of times in order to beat them. And in every stage, Croc theoretically has the chance to earn three challenge stars for the stage. One for simply beating the stage, one for getting all the purple jewels in the stage, and one for beating all the enemies! Though not every stage will give you enough power blocks to give you rocks which will take out the enemies Croc will safely jump on, and Croc only has 99 seconds to get through a stage (unless he can find a rare clock hidden in some stages that will extend his time by 100 seconds), so it's really not feasible or plausible to get three stars for every stage! But still, if you want to play the best video game within the "Croc's World" franchise, this is the one to play! It's a really easy, but challenging game to play! Enough said, true believers!
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