I had many expectations from this game. Unfortunately, it is so hard that i just snapped in about 70% of it.

User Rating: 6.8 | Cross Racing Championship 2005 PC
I saw the good readers reviews on this site so i decided to check the game out.
In the pre-game movie it seems very good, but it has certain flaws, and i'm not sure you'll want to handle them. on the other hand, it can be fun at some times, upgrading the cars is nice, and also the variety of cars (6) is contributing. There are also no technical difficulties.
This game is just too hard :I played many tracks on the "novice" level, and most of the time it was very hard to nearly impossible. There were races i couldn't even win in "amateur", where the computer AI is supposed to be dumb. But once the computer's best driver has managed to pass you, you're toast cause he will not make any mistakes. The whole tactics of the game is to focus on your enemies not to pass you, rather concentrating the road. I must tell that there are a few reasonable tracks where you can win in higher level , but they are few and far between (maybe 5 out of the 65 tracks, which are basically the same 5 tracks with some changes each time)
It is impossible to drive with the "in car" view.
The sound is pretty bad. The soundtrack is consisted of 3-4 songs, that's all, and all the other voices you have is the motor's humming.
The tracks are very narrow all the game long, and you pay very dearly in every mistake you make - that's right, the AI's worst driver will pass you in a few seconds. It's very very hard to stay on the track on most occasions.
The graphics of the game is Ok, but there are flaws. Try driving in the England courses and look at the forest that accompanies the tight road - you'll see a wall of trees unreliable and badly painted.
Some people can enjoy this game, and even i did on some occasions. Rare occasions.