cruis'n world was the 2nd installment in the cruis'n series. This one didn't just take place in the United States like the first one did. This one took place all over the world. Hence the name. This one had a different line up of vehicles to choose from. The graphics in the game were pretty good and the racing quality was pretty fun. I would recommend this game to people who want to play this. It will be enjoyment for everyone. The tracks are really fun to explore. And the secrets will have you coming back for more. You will enjoy the 12 courses you have to choose from...and you can always unlock different cars also.
I decided to revisit my favorite racing game of all time. And as I compare it to racers today I think "When did arcade racing like this die?" Well Cruis'n World is my favorite racer and one of the best arcade style racer... Read Full Review
This might not be the best racing game for a console, but it captures the same exciting courses as the arcade version. It was 4 years ago since I bought it and it was 40 dollars; which was 10 dollars cheaper than Mario K... Read Full Review