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User Rating: 4.5 | Crysis 2 PC
Ok well, it is kind of like describing a turd. Smelly, terrible, warm, possibly fuzzy. But those don't really summarize a game so it is very hard to make a review for crysis 2, so in my best words i will try to describe this turd of a game. For console gamers this must have been an amazing game, seeing as how the 200 dollar console systems can't play amazing games like crysis 1, Half life 2 and battlefield 2 in its full glory. Console gamers will think this is the best thing since sliced bread, but for the pc, this is hot garbage. This game is hardly worth the cd case it came in let alone 60 dollars. The first crysis allowed up to 64 players to run around with tanks, choppers and all sorts of vehicles in a lush jungle environment, blowing up trees and building alike. You can tell this is a cheap console port because there are only 16 players allowed on small physicless maps. Combat is based around infantry spray and pray, very much like call of duty. You will find that there is no need for burst fire or skillful single shot mode, rather you will aim and hold down your trigger for as long as possible, the man who's finger tires first will be the loser. Oh yea theres stealth mode and armor mode, if that makes a game great then that is pretty sad. Crysis 1 was the benchmark on which many games are compared, crysis 2 should be the benchmark on how to NOT make a game. Even bullet storm (which was quite possibly the worst fps EVER created) can be compared to this. I work hard for my money, and i prefer not to piss it away with trash games like this. Pong, yes pong is a far better use of your money then crysis 2, crysis 2 is indeed in crysis, for it is a hole in 1 purchase if you are looking for a nappy rhino turd.