Not a bad game...BUT
So the game itself is amazingly detailed, you start out as a regular marine (WARNING SOME SPOILERS), your submarine then gets attacked and your the only survivor. You are then rescued by prophet, one of the guys in the suit (I forgot what the suit is called), he then tells you to find someone and then he kills himself and you are now in charge of the suit.
The people who attacked the sub are now after the suit, you start out with no suit powers and they get unlocked by about the third level. In this game however (unlike crysis 1) the controls are so much better, press space to jump normally, hold it for a max strength jump, hold shift for max speed so there is no switching between them. The usual culprits are there armour, cloak nano vision. It has so far been a really good game, a little easy but good. More to come :)
This game does have a s*** load of bugs. My mate who has a GTX 570 can see straight through the characters and see their eye balls. I have dual AMD 6970's running in xfire mode, both run crysis 1 at about 70fps. In this game with xfire you get an annoying flicker so no xfire, one card still runs it at 60 fps.