A twisted convincing blend of 'Holy crap-tastrophe!'
The audio was top notch and I like the cast, ranging from professorial voice of Hargrave, to the military, right down to the weird robotic grunts of the 'squids'. Firefights sounds great with gunfire/bombs going off around you. If you're in a wide trench/valley for example, the gunshots sounds travel far vs when your in indoors.
Level Design/Gameplay
The level designs are amazing, which is a city (on a normal sunny day) totally in ruin with alien tendrils burrowing in and out of the weirdest places. It's not like the previous title (either jungle OR snow etc) but more like a twisted convincing blend of 'holy crap-tastrophe' .
The first time round I played completely stealth style, keeping distance, heavily using the tactical visor to highlight enemies/ammo. The second time I realized the usefulness of the of the tactical "recommendations" and the advantages of certain weapons for particular enemies. Then I saw other gameplay that was used little visor usage yet skillfully combat heavy! Unbelievable! Moreover I saw players use paths I never knew were there. Very entertaining to play as well as watch.. and that's just campaign mode.
The suit has some nice touches compared to the first version. Going into run mode automatically kicks in the nano-speed and nano-upgrades neatly stem from the fingertips of your left hand.. The good news is that each time you finish the game, you keep all those upgrades which makes you want to go back and really put a hurtin' on the squids. Each time you play it you'll get better or try a new weapon.. lots of replay value there.
Some games have too long winded of a plot. Others are simple/cheesy but Crysis 2 stays in the 'Action' even when you're not in a firefight. It's in the future so the techno/bio cut-scense works well, revealing just how adaptable your nanosuit is as the game progresses.
A former pc gamer (won't buy cards, processors, OS every x years for games), I wasn't sure how the game would be on the PS3. The game rocks. Then I saw high definition vids of the PC version and it is jaw dropping, - BUT whatever/however choices the developers did/made, the game is/looks great on all platforms. There's one glitch I noticed - seeing an enemy caught in a looping animation (running on the spot or in circles). That minor flaw is completely overshadowed by the rest of the games' technical awesomeness. The most fun part of the game is exploring the capabilities of the suit and pulling off unbelievable move with it. I definitely recommend it!