Uh is this cool, looks cool...but what's missing? A difficult game to place.

User Rating: 7.5 | Crysis 2 PC
The original Crysis was one of my favourite shooters of all time. So when I loaded up Crysis 2 and was introduced to some beautiful cut scenes and awesome game play I was impressed to say the least, but:

Poor AI and battles
Sadly it gets old quickly and the enemy units have pretty rubbish AI which makes battles very monotonous. You end up feeling battles are scripted which is really something crytek should have looked at. If an enemy sees you, then just hide for a few seconds after which the enemy seems to forget you were ever there. Battles often seem boring.

Crytek have done an amazing job making this available to all platforms but with todays hardware on a PC - enthusiasts will be bored and feel depressed knowing that crytek could have released something which looks considerably better. The game is very well made, levels are beautiful and the graphics are very good. Sound design is good and the aliens sound great. Sadly the enemy humans all sound exactly the same! Are these stormtroopers from star wars? Come on Crytek!

The game play is repetitive and never seems to flow - it's always "go there, do that" Something the original Crysis never did - it was above all, a great story. The story in Crysis 2 starts off great, becomes boring, then picks up and then you're left with that all to familiar feeling "is that the end? eek!"

Pet Hate
The menu in Crysis 2 is tragic, as it looks nearly identical to Splinter Cell but that's not a huge problem it's just a little sad. Another pet hate are the collectibles - developers: we do not care about random crap scattered throughout the world, who cares? How does this help me? Do I get extra ammo, better ammo, better guns? No, it's just some stuff you can look at...ok, now what?

All in all if I mention all the bad things I'd have to type another 500 words but that's not to say you shouldn't buy it. That's what makes Crysis 2 so difficult to place. If you've been wanting it then get it that would be my advice just be warned there are times when you'll feel bored.

Graphics 9
Sound 8
Gameplay 8
Story 7

Crysis 2 is amazing and disappointing at the same time. While the original Crysis will always be remembered, Crysis 2 leaves a slightly bitter taste in my mouth. Poor AI and the feeling that your playing through the levels in "blocks" of scripted action really hamper this otherwise great title.