Crysis 2 is the best looking game out there for the 360…
Crysis 2 was released not too long ago and I had several of my friends here on Gamespot (Rekunta for one) telling me that the game was worth it, considering the length of the single player campaign. I did not play the first Crysis for lack of a decent desktop rig, but have heard a lot of positive things about it and the series as a whole. While reading my Crysis 2 review, keep in mind that this is my first taste of the series.
This is the most important aspect in a video game for me. The story has to be at least engaging and to keep you going back for more. Crysis 2's story provided me with just that. Since I hadn't played the first one I kept thinking that there is something in the plot I kept missing. The story is kind of linear but what FPS games aren't? In a nutshell, the main character needs to save New York from an alien invasion, while protecting the most important weapon he has – the Nanosuit. At the end, it all makes sense storywise, and one could actually look at it as a separate storyline, rather than a continuation from the first Crysis. 7.5/10
Simply Crysis 2 is the best looking game on the 360 up to date. The CryEngine 3 delivers on the 360 as well, and without a doubt creates a beautiful, realistic and very believable representation of New York City in rumbles. There isn't really anything that is flawed with the graphical presentation - it does not getter better than that. 10/10
Sound/Voice Acting
The soundtrack of this game is outstanding. The composer (Borislav Slavov) did an outstanding job yet again. Yet again, because he is the composer behind Two Worlds 2 as well - a game that I value very highly as well, and a game with phenomenal sound. The voice acting of Crysis 2 did not leave me with a huge impression, but wasn't bad neither. I guess one would say that it was not the best of the best but it was solid enough to NOT make a difference in my perception of this title. 9/10
Crysis 2 is a very good First Person Shooter. The controls are responsive and crisp. There is weapon modifications, suit modifications and such, which gives the game and extra notch of replayability later on. One negative aspect of the gameplay is enemy AI. Some of the enemies tend to act "strange" or will not shoot you even if you are right in front of you. This is nothing major, but thought I would put it out there, so readers would know that it might happen. I have not tried the MultiPlayer feature yet, so I cant really comment on that. 8/10
Crysis 2 was not a game that I play on a regular basis. Like I said before, I tend to skip majority of the FPS games coming out since they don't tend to deliver a long and solid single player experience, which is very important to me. Crysis 2's SP campaign is about 12 hours long and I will gladly keep this game in my collection as one of the masterpieces of this year. 8/10