Crysis 2 - Unreplaceable FPS Experience,Addictive Fun And Amazingly Entertaining With Splendid Graphic To Love.
The moment you start crysis 2 you are gonna be shocked and amused by it,it simply doesn't look like game,its so real ,you cant really say anything other than wow.As you go on a few minutes in the game,cry engine 3 starts to showoff. First with the lights, and then with the way water effect works on the camera,it is unimaginably real to see the water go across the camera lens.And after 10 to 15 minutes in to the game you will start to understand how amazing crysis 2 is.When you go to the surface and all the ashes,little sparkles of fire is in the air,also there is huge rain and storm at the same time plus the smoke is everywhere.Without a doubt this scenery is revolutionary for gaming industry the way cry engine 3 achieved this with all the realism is just astonishing.
Personally did not know a lot about the cry engine and what can be achieved with their technology but ever since i played crysis 2 i am really hopeful for the whole gaming product.
Well lets skip the scene explaining and get on with the review.
The storyline is good im not saying everything is perfect in this game but the story line is somehow very complex and this is a good feature to me and for a lot of gamers out there,the more complex the story the more you are gonna be sucked in to the game.
Dynamic lights and normal lighting of the scenes are very real and looks much better than any game i have seen.The textures are almost perfect but since this is a first person action game you need great texture like we see here.
The 3d models are very accurate and precise.
As you progress in this game,you will encounter a lot of new types of enemies making the game more entertaining and interesting.You can also adjust your current weapon to suit the best outcome in a fight, for example you can customize it with any kind of aiming pointers such as laser,silencer or normal scopes. And more,there are dozens of upgrades you can buy for the nano suit but you need to get plasma extracts from the aliens that you kill in order to do so.Using these plasma extracts you can get new powers to use during the game such a more durable and long lasting invisible shield.
Weapons and warfare devices is a crucial part in crysis 2,i think the developers had a lot of great ideas for it in the game but there are really limited and narrow, i mean for example we almost all the time see a machine gun which you can use or dismantle from its original fixed place and move it with you to another location.We should not forget all the ammunition and other weapons also,but im looking for the new items and the new unique weapon system for the game.Maybe there should have been two sets of completely different weapons,made by humans ,and made by aliens,its just an idea.
There is a mode you can switch to which is called tactical mode and with it ,you have an ability to see all the weapons surrounding you , plus you can use the tactical option to tag enemies and be tactical basically.Another mode you can use is the nano heat vision you can shift to and it works for both heat detection and night vision which is a bit strange.
The level design is something that i can compliment for crysis2.the huge tall buildings in NYC,the way everything works to bring out the best for crysis 2 is something i want to applaud for here,giving you the feeling of chaos and bringing you in between a war zone like that is immense.Now that i think about it those levels at night in NYC and those lights surrounding the buildings was just pleasant to look at.
If you compare crysis 2 to any other FPS games you know or played,you can clearly see the differences.From the blurry shadows of your self on the ground, under the sunlight, to the simple motion blur of camera, while aiming and letting go of your weapon of choice,is flawless.
If you take your time and take good look at each level,weapons,enemies,modeling,level design,visual effects and so on you can see the perfectness.
Lets get back to the story line again,as i said before it is good but the complexity adds something to it for good or bad.It almost feels as if you are missing something in the main story of the game,i still have not figured out what it is,maybe you guys can think of this.
As most reviewers of the game said,crysis2 does drag you for the first few hours of the game,but it gets very good afterwards and you will see a lot of changes in it.
I think crysis 2 can be a role model for all the FPS games these days,and the developers should know that everyone will pay for great products as long as its great like crysis 2,and also they should be proud of what they have achieved with crysis2.
Im giving crysis2, 9 out of 10.
In the end i have faith in crysis 2,and to play this game on my 360 was enjoyable and entertaining, i wish more PC based games can be played on the consoles.
Im honored to have played this amazing game and i suggest all of you people to buy this game and enjoy the unique experiment it offers.