Crysis 3 combines all good things of the previous two games,yet lacks some depth,but finally Prophet is playable,hurray!
The best part about the game is that it brings back the old memories of both the previous games with some really cool add-ons,,,but still doesn't live up to some expectations which the fans of the series would have expected!!!!!!!
Story-The plot is good,New York(or Jersey) has been converted into a forest by CELL organization which now control the electricity system of the area thanx the the alien(Ceph) technology,,when Prophet is rescued from their very clutches by a group of Rebels lead by Psycho,Claire,n Rasch(the old familiar guyz) whom they consider the last hope of saving humanity from CELL.But Prophet thinks differently(because of his visions)-the real threat is Ceph(alpha).Now he must beat all odds to save the world!!!!!
The presentation is not so brilliant as most of the story telling takes 1/10 of the total game time(which is again small if u r a veteran in such games)!!!!!!
Characters-Not well presented.Prophet seems like the same old harsh-leader,,,Psycho has changed drastically,he no longer takes those risks,,,Claire is weak,,,Rasch has a very little role!!! Rest-Not Important!!!!1
Environments-Crysis 3 beats both the games in the visuals(awesome,,looks real).It also overcomes the "restricted environment" short-coming of Crysis 2 n now the playa can play according to his will,roaming from one place to another,tagging his enemies,n killing it in a number of ways,,rather than going straight,tagging,n shooting!!!!!!
Combat-Resembles Crysis 2(exactly like it) but the addition of Stealth bow(u can shoot multiple bows even when cloaked) is a really good modification.
But the best part is that Prophet can use Ceph technology,which means,he can use their advanced weapons(which r really powerful) as he's contaminated by their DNA.
The enemies are brilliantly designed,especially the Big-Daddy kinda creatures n the Spider like Ceph(which need to be hacked for an easy kill).Bosses r cool(especially the last two).
Another new feature is that Prophet's suit can be updated using Nano Kits available during different missions,but i doubt them to be useful.
Some side-quests are really good,n can help to decrease the difficulty level to some extent
Overall-Crysis 3 is a brilliant yet underrated game,n if u r a fan of the series,go grab it,GS reviewers can go to hell!!!!!!!
Happy gaming!!!