This game is not Crysis. It's a game that infringes upon it's namesake.If you're new to the Crysis series, you may not think badly of this game. But if you played Crysis 1 or Warhead on the PC, you should be ashamed of this piece of crap that dares call itself a Crysis game.
I'll break this review into 2 parts: campaign review and the multiplayer review. This is going to be a spoiler review.
Campaign Review:
I've been sitting here deleting nearly all my posts because the Campaign is so fuckin terrible I can't think of any words that could even describe what could be said. The campaign is just boring: killing enemies is boring, it never feels satisfying to kill any enemies and honestly I never feel the need to kill anybody. I ran the game in Sleath mode and wow the AI's are a bunch of morons. You can ran around the AI's in circle in Sleath mode and they'll just stand there like morons ( I'm played the game in Veteran mode) and your energy will never run out as long as you don't sprint. Killing enemies is so boring, I said this before and I will say it again. There doesn't always have to be reward, but there should be some happy euphoric feel for killing it. It's like playing Call of Duty Campaign, killing the enemies is unbelievable tedious. Not only is sleath mode overpowered so it shield mode. I stood there in a middle of a gunfight without taking damage because of "maximum armor". **** that, this shit shouldn't deserve the title"maximum". In Crysis one you were given many different variety of armor modes; speed, armor, strength and cloack. All these armor had strengths and weaknesses, you had a choice when to use them and it's up to the player and HOW to use them. You could use speed in many ways besides move fasting to your desintination. Clock wasn't overpowered, enemies and still hear footsteps or signs of distrubness like broke branches or misplaced items. The AI were smart. In this game you have only 2 armor modes: Armor and Sleath. It's not Cloak mode. Cloak mode isn't when you can run around your enemies in a circle without them noticing. It's sleath. It's like playing Metal Gear Games with Sleath Mode on, it kills the purpose of the game if you're given this in the beginning of the game.Removing the armor modes made the game shitty. There no variety it's just sleath mode and run through the place with no satisfying feel. The story is absolute garbage, Crytek clearly can't write a decent story. The dialogue is just disgusting.I hate Prophet, everytime he opens his mouth I want to bash his against the wall. Espically in the end when he starts screaming "the power is mine" WTF is he taking about? What power? The Supercharged nanosuit didn't do shit for me. It lasts for a few fuckin seconds on hard mode and is garbage because armor mode asborbs all damage. **** that why even kill enemies when you sleath dance around their fuckin face and they'll stand there like morons. There was no point in introducing the threat meter because it's always half filled really makes no difference if it's full or not. It's not like the enemies call for backup or start searcing for you. The cells were sad, they knew who you were they should've easily been able to counter your nanosuit with EMP gernades but no, they sit there sucking on their on cock while threating you. The only likeable character is Pyscho, but he gets throwned to the trash in the game mid-way. So he finds out Claire is the one who skinned his ass and most of his comrades, he then leaves. It was a sad moment. But then he joins you for no reason. A person in battle shouldn't give shits to reasons, they should act on emotional. That's why soliders are different from normal people. Normal people use logic and reason at times, Soliders do not. They kill any of their enemies or anyone that inflicts harm on them. And a name doesn't mean anything on the battlefield....So this campaign is shit.
Mulitplayer Review
Boring, didn't play all the modes. It's just like Call of Duty except with overpowered weapons; only the tyhoon is good, but I personally use the bow even though it's shit in multiplayer. It's not bad though, the mulitplayer has some problems but it's not too bad.
This game sucks, don't buy it unless you get it for free.