It's not Crysis anymore. It's a... playable benchmark software, with story.
I remember back then around 2006 when I ran a benchmark to my PC with 3D Mark 2006, there was a small game that you can play. A game in which you take control of a single hovering tank unit, and put in a sandy labyrinth, then you can attack enemy tanks.
Now this game feels like one playable graphic demo or a benchmark software.
I have finished Crysis 3, well what the hell was that? There are only 8 missions and they're unbelievably short and all flash. Nothing's memorable, nothing in the game makes you want to come back and do a second run, third run, and so on. I remember the first game, when you already completed the game for certain run, and then you got bored and then you just decided to do a free run instead.
Nope! This game feels linear and cramped.
The visual is the only thing that makes this game, all else fails to entertain as a Crysis game, and it's not even that special. The game seems to torture your computer for almost no reason, MSAA eliminates your FPS instead of those jaggies while SMAA does surprisingly the otherwise. I'm playing with HD6870 at 1920x1080 and it barely even reach 30FPS even with low-medium mixed settings.
Story is becoming comical, new characters almost have no influence, repetitive gameplay which makes you think why did they even make a suit upgrades that many when all you do is just binocular, spot all enemies, go stealth, take bow out, take them down one by one, hack turrets to get them aid you, repeat.
And to make things less entertaining, most of the enemy AIs are just too stupid to respond. They see their friends dead, they walk to it. One of them got shot, the others just standing still, looking around, giving you window to shoot.
Also experienced some major glitches with those vehicles in the game. Missiles in the buggy doesn't lock on some targets, like those Pingers in the second last mission. An IFV which can go wheelie without even moving forward, and the VTOL aircraft which gunshot is extremely sporadic you'll just have to recklessly aim and take down your enemies.
Disappointing.. so this is how low Crysis has fallen into. I feel bad to those devs and creative divisions in Crytek. All of their assets has turned nothing but into just a mere playable graphical benchmark with a story.